• Happy new year started of well but as the story progresses it lacked everything,the story was illogical & it is probably one of the worse film srk has ever taken part in, the movie was so predictable that one can predict what was about to happen.This is the worse possible ending to a highly anticipated film of 2014.The stakes were raised too high that it crashed to the ground.Hacking has been shown like a piece of cake.

    December 31, 14
  • Peekay is a brave creative visual put into action by RHF,the ploy of bringing an alien to change our ways of thinking and acting according to it is Simply outstanding.This movie has all the ingredients,it is simply a pure blend of comedy and mixed emotions at times.The stranger’s childlike curiosity and world-view challenges people’s long-held notions the way he treats this world simply changes everyone’s opinion.The movie is as unique as the name suggests.I would suggest everyone to watch this film atleast once.

    December 29, 14