• I tried people!! I tried so hard to not give a perfect score, but I succumbed; I succumbed to the brilliance I was introduced to on the screen. Two hours of movie viewing where you don’t get bored for a second (I mean that quite literally!) and can’t take your eyes off the screen kinda deserves a perfect score.

    I kept away from this for too long. It was literally sitting in my laptop while I chose to ignore it for months.. darn it! Thank God to some random review where the person requested people to sit through the first 30 mins. I thought of giving this a try and I was hooked after the first 15.

    No wonder this movie won 6 Oscars! It deserved each and every one of it. The brilliance of George Miller and the cinematographer who made those visuals alive on the screen are going to stay alive for generations.

    I think I should stop here.. if you saw the movie you know what am talking about, and if you didn’t there is no way am gonna ruin the experience for you with some spoiler. So, let’s give this a chance.

    Sit back, keep whatever you need nearby, make yourself comfy, forget that pee break, double click on that VLC file and see the magic unfurl in front of your very mortal eyes..

    Valhalla rising!!

    March 10, 16