• I wanted to rate it for 2 star but for only some visual effects ( but not looks natural at all and Bollywood style makeup make it worst ). Average story and average acting. Tamana has done brilliant overreaction in acting. Songs are awful and dont know why the director put the item song on it. Indian people cant live without putting love stories and bold scene on any kind of movie no matter whether its documentary, drama or action.
    This movie can be looks good who not watched the class and level of HOLLYWOOD. Do not compare it with 300 and Lords of rings. They are light year far ahead from Bollywood.
    Bollywood is known to make copy of HOLLYWOOD scene, story and even dialogue and they even dont think to edit it. Simply use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. plus the jump scene was a copy from the movie THE DARK KNIGHT RISES…………..now, when you realize that the first 20 minutes of the movie contains scenes from over 3 different movies just tell me how much curiosity you would be left with?
    Its most over-hyped movie ever and Crap Ending for this Movie.

    July 12, 15