Top Rated Films
Jyoti Sharma Bawa's Film Reviews
Watch this one if you are a true blue fan of ’80s action thrillers who would like one more walk down the nostalgia lane with ‘old’ heroes. For the rest of us, it is time to dust out those old CDs and watch a re-run of their truly good films.
Fans of sword-and-sandal films are bound to like this one as well. Just leave your thinking caps at home.
With the fourth film in the franchise, one would hope, almost pray, that Bay is close to wrapping up the franchise. The truth is far from it. The next film is in the works and the climax of this one has sown its seeds.
Going by how the earlier Transformers have done, it will leave the box office jingling. But we will be reading history or solving calculus – that’s so much easier to follow!