Transformers: Age of Extinction

Movie Info
Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and stars Mark Wahlberg in the lead role. A sequel to Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the film takes place four years after the invasion of Chicago where a mechanic and his daughter discover a deactivated Optimus Prime. Meanwhile, a powerful, ingenious businessman and a group of scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Transformers: Age of Extinction Reviews
Like the previous films, this fourth installment is beset with script holes, clunky dialogue, hammy acting, and the overconfidence of a director who doesn't know when to stop. But for fans of the same noisy but vacuous spectacle that these films have come to represent, 'Transformers: Age of Extinction' is actually a step up from the last film.
So it’s no surprise that the plot is besides the point. Like the previous ones, this latest is all about the noise that Bay can generate, and he is Hollywood’s biggest detonator, no contest. The endless car chases, explosions, crumbling buildings, are all tricked out at ear-shattering decibels. As is the main act of the robots transforming from cars to trucks to bots and back again, while getting down and dirty. Good for you if you like that sort of thing, and I am reliably told that there are enough fans of the franchise to line up for fresh installments, even if it is basically more of the same.
With the fourth film in the franchise, one would hope, almost pray, that Bay is close to wrapping up the franchise. The truth is far from it. The next film is in the works and the climax of this one has sown its seeds. Going by how the earlier Transformers have done, it will leave the box office jingling. But we will be reading history or solving calculus - that's so much easier to follow!
Bay is very talented at all things visual, the 3-D works well and the robots look great. But the final confrontation alone lasts close to an hour, and at some point, you may find yourself simply in a daze, unable to absorb any further action into your brain.But one viewer's migraine is another's euphoria. You decide.
There’s a strong possibility that you may experience some difficulty in hearing even the voices of your much-assaulted, still recovering head after watching Transformers: Age of Extinction. Given the unexplained draw the Transformers brand has, I won’t be surprised if this one works too. But nearly three hours divided in yawns and headache prompts me to repeat what Optimus Prime says in the end, “Leave Planet Earth alone.”
Be it fiery photogenic explosions, smashing buildings, mega monster battles and more, there is no doubt that action rules this film.
The weakest link in the Transformers series, this one will make you wonder if its time to bid a final goodbye to your favourite robots! 'Transformers: Age of Extinction' is one of the dullest and most lethargic plots in the franchise.
...engrosses its audiences with its visual gimmicks and high octave action sequences. With a bunch of brilliant moments, the movie is all about action overdose and feeble storyline. It’s like junk food that satiates the greed but has no nutritional value. Awake the fanboy in you and go have a good time!
The special effects are impressive, now if only they had they had a decent plot to back it up.
If you thought Michael Bay has lost his touch, fear not, because Transformers: Age of Extinction has all the elements that made the first three films memorable. And I’m not talking of just the misogyny, racism or the blonde butt shots. I’m talking of literally every single plot element.
This is by far the most spectacular of the Transformers films that you are likely to see. It has heart and it has balls. It has a grip and nerves of steels and yet it melts into disarming chunks of storytelling that read like episodes from American sitcoms from the 1960s. The world never seemed more compelling in its chaos.
The movie offers exactly what fans of the series crave for, and honestly it’s a step up from the last two movies, but if logic, actual plot development, genuine tension and thrill are what you want then avoid it.
Explosions and destruction galore, the film is a visual treat in signature Michael Bay style. Go alone or with company, the effect of the film shall linger on until much later. Promise.
ay arrives to beauty only to unleash terror on it. Transformers 4 has many superbly executed set pieces, but its showcase is a pre-climactic sequence that makes excellent use of Hong Kong’s architectural mix of tenements and high-rises. A Hong Kong Tourism Board hoarding gets tucked into one scene, but, as the saying goes, you need to let the right one in.
By the end you do feel as if you are on the edge of extinction!
Audience Reviews for Transformers: Age of Extinction
Extraordinary Michael Bay stuff. If you like the first 3 installments then this is a Must Watch and will not disappoint you at all. Story line is OK - "Humans can build Transformers now - haha" but do Transformers fans care about story that much. :) Go for it and don't forget to share the review.
1July 04, 14