• This one fell into the latter category, as most Salman Khan films do, but is certainly the star’s weakest film since “Jai Ho!” – in every department but Salman Khan himself.

  • The only aspect I took home from the film was the fairly engaging hyena sequence. And for a lot of tepid Kung Fu, there was barely any Yoga. As an entertainer, this is presumably strictly for Chan fans, and may work on the very novelty it offers to audiences worldwide – its mediocre Indian slant.

  • There is nothing of caliber in the lines spoken or in the music to support the film. But great camerawork by Imre Juhasz and Mohana Krishna and action by Allan Amin are pluses, and strong ones at that. Prasad Sashte’s background score is novel and brilliant.

    Wish we could say that also about the film. Action at any cost seems to be its maxim.

  • Yes, the first half of the film is riveting for the most part when it is not being too (pop-) corny, repetitious or stretched in parts. But, while our hopes escalate as the second half begins, we find in it a shockingly disparate and disconnected narration from the first part. The last 25 to 30 minutes seem to go on for eons, and are frankly unbearable and hopelessly clichéd.

  • The dull, snail-paced narrative might even confuse the viewer, and is completely devoid of any point. The film does make a case for finding time for one’s wife, kids and loved ones; loving your spouse for the right reasons; and living a selfless life, but, in a very garbled, convoluted and ham-handed way, so that you have already lost interest in, sympathy for or any empathy for the lead characters!

  • Disappointing, Tepid and Needlessly Dark Drama…

  • Originality? Freshness? Who wants that anyway? After “ABCD 2,” this is another downer from D’Souza and his pet music directors!

  • The film is a humongous gamble on pushing a terribly bad product on the shoulders of Roshan, who should make sure that he is never conned again in this way. Despite both the artifice and triteness innately present in the role, he lives Sarman, is sincere, looks like a demi-god for his women fans even when shabby and disheveled, and tries to salvage this humongous, no, make that historic waste of resources.

  • In short, including the meaningless title, this one leaves you flummoxed.

  • Sweet Film With Pseudo End That Ruins Impact…

Viewing item 21 to 30 (of 38 items)