Top Rated Films
Sachin Chatte's Film Reviews
There is precious little going in favor of the film, the story doesn’t have any conviction and barring a few minutes of the operation theatre episode, the absurdity of the rest is beyond measure.
Dull and dreary, this Frankenstein will put you to sleep in your seats and make Mary Shelly squirm in her grave.
One by Two is as tedious as driving with the brakes on…While there is an attempt to give background stories to the characters, it falls flat. Take the Samara’s parents problem for example, we have seen that countless times before. So what is the point in going down that same old road? And even that reality show dance contest angle is a crashing bore.
The film exhorts the values of helping other people but it is repeated till the cows come home. Here’s my humble way of helping others- avoid this film and save your money. And please spread the word.
If you haven’t seen Palma film, you can sit through this one but just about.
There is another Hercules film in the offing this year (The Thracian Wars) but hopefully the worse in behind us. The Legend of Hercules is one of those films where if you sleep through for most parts, you won’t miss much. The good thing is, it offers considerable hope to insomniacs.
The only reason you might want to watch the film is because of the two lead actors. And if you do, make sure you stay till the end credits roll, the best part of the film, a cameo, is during the credits.
The story is regressive, silly and just about everything in the film looks fake, including the acting. The only one I felt sorry for was Deepti Naval. Surely, she deserves better than this. And so do we.
It takes a while to figure out the direction in which the film is going. But once that is clear, there aren’t too many surprises left. So all you have to do is enjoy the gorgeous landscapes because there is precious little otherwise as far as the story is concerned, which takes it self a bit too seriously.
While the visuals and production design catches the eye, it’s the screenplay which hits a few bumps. You never really empathize with the characters because the focus is more on Kai rather than the 47 Ronins and within them, it’s mostly about Oishi. There are a few dull moments in the second half, when you want the director to really get on with it.