Brahman Naman Reviews and Ratings

For better or for worse, this film is like the characters it depicts. It’s like The Inbetweeners that way – crude, crass, foul, sweaty, occasionally funny and relentlessly perverted. It’s like that childhood friend of yours that kept giving you the most disgusting dares in a round of truth or dare, mocking you for not having the courage to follow through, a shameless grin on his face. And you know you did them all. You did all those despicable things. And then, you bowed your head in shame, just like you will when you’re done with this movie.
As is always the norm with films about immature 20-year-olds looking for sex, the film’s story is all about coming-of-age, finding love, understanding life, and so on and so forth. The big moments do not come easy and even when they come, you don’t know when they go past you. Neither do Brahman Naman’s heroes, because they are stupid and self-involved.
Belonging to a generation that grew up at the brink of the internet, where conversations about sexuality are either taboo-ed or overtly misguided, it is very invigorating to see that contemporary filmmakers are opening up conversations in popular culture that go beyond the commercial concerns, and are urging people to think.
This quirky-going-into-corny-going-into-horny film sets out to be Federico Fellini’s Amarcord, but ends up American Pie without the pie.