Dallas Buyers Club Reviews and Ratings

What really elevates the film is the intensity of McConaughey’s performance. Looking skeletal and broken, his eyes glitter with a steely sense of desperate determination.
Ultimately, however, Dallas Buyers Club rides on the McConaughey force. Who would have imagined that an actor best known shirtless, hewn in middle America, always the fetching, bedraggled son of the soil in romcoms, would immerse in a character that demands so much to execute yet have no gratifyingly happy climax?
This is Matthew McConaughey’s movie through and through. Apart from physically transforming himself (he lost 21 kg for the role), it is the way he takes over the character that is spellbinding. The golden good looks are obliterated for this grandstanding cowboy. McConaughey captures every nuance of Ron Woodroof’s journey from racist bigot to inclusive businessman, from parochial to evangelist, from traditionalist to new wave in fascinating detail.