Ghost in the Shell

Movie Info
Based on the internationally-acclaimed sci-fi property, "GHOST IN THE SHELL" follows the Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotic's advancements in cyber technology.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Ghost in the Shell Reviews
Scarlett Johansson cements her position as one of the best action stars in the world with this adaptation of the classic Japanese anime that inspired the Matrix.
For all the visual gleam and action and blinding city lights that are on offer, stripped of Japanese identity, Jamie Moss and Ehren Kruger’s screenplay could very well have been set in New York City or Moscow, and it would not have made any difference to the final product.
Combined with seamless CGI work, this is a stunning film to watch in IMAX 3D, one that can probably be enjoyed by an audience unaware of its origins. Fans of that cult classic however, will find this merely a decorative ‘shell’ of its former self.
Watch this one for ScarJo. It's not much of an effort to sit through. And what's more, it is an incredibly good looking film. But it could have been so much better.
The problem with this film is not the choice of actors but the fact that it's overwhelmingly flashy slickness renders everything else almost inanimate.
Ghost in The Shell has a marvelous, beautiful shell but the soul within gets bland at times. I would still recommend you to watch this movie for the amazing visual beauty each frame has to offer and of course, Scarlett Johansson.
Ghost in the Shell is a visually arresting film that has it occasional moments of brilliance in the action scenes, but fails to hold your attention for long.