Ki and Ka Reviews and Ratings

Kareena is terrific, Arjun, endearing. But Balki’s writing is inconsistent. A few scenes leave you misty-eyed, but for the most part, the stock situations are banal. Yet, Ki and Ka is worth a ticket because it tells shows how there is nothing wrong with the man wearing the apron and the women wearing her ambition.
…a cleverly crafted feel-good film that packs all the emotions. Though it has strong performances by both Arjun and Kareena, the film is bound to draw extreme reactions from the orthodox audiences who may find the premise difficult to digest. It is an urban progressive film and should appeal more to women and young married couples.
What doesn’t work for the film is the constant onslaught of in-film marketing. Though it is done pretty cleverly at some points, too much is always a bad thing. The other thing is that the plot tends to get unnecessary gimmicky at points. Also, one wishes that the other characters like Kia’s mother (Swaroop Sampat) as the liberated woman who runs 5 NGOs and Kabir’s father, Mr. Bansal (Rajit Kapur as a successful businessman) were not confined to such tight boxes.
Ki & Ka is watchable, even enjoyable in parts. It is comforting to see that someone is making films on themes of gender in today’s times where free love is still unconstitutional. And despite its uneven narrative, we definitely recommend that you take your whole family with you – especially the ones who have always told the women to “be seen and not heard” and the men “to man up”.
Here’s a treat that should not be missed by normal, right-thinking and good human beings. You will probably come out as a higher quality person than when you went in.