Lakshmi Reviews and Ratings
As a result, a rare, powerful story of how a young girl was able to get justice for herself has been turned into a film that tries to cash in on India’s surging interest in women’s rights and violence against women. Lakshmi is a hero to lakhs of distraught women across the country. She deserves a well-made film; not manipulative, awfully directed, woefully shot, soulless tripe.
…a beautifully-made and very well-enacted film but it is of the kind which would be appreciated in the festival circuit. At the box-office, it stands bleak chances because it is too stark and too depressing.
A film with heart and piety, Lakshmi suffers because of its cloying literality. Watching it is like reading reams of journalistic writing on child trafficking or watching an NGO documentary lauding their own good work.
A gritty film that works largely because of the subject and sensitive treatment if you have the stomach for gore.
The strong story plot moves one so much, that minor flaws remain unnoticed. There are few scenes in the film which might shake you to the core and you start relate yourself to Lakshmi’s pain. The dialogues of film may make you feel uncomfortable in certain situation. But when it comes to conveying the underlying message, there is no better way.