Satrangee Parachute

Movie Info
Satrangee Parachute is a Hindi-language film released 25 February 2011. The film revolves around an eight-year-old runaway kid who runs away from his village in Nainital to Mumbai with four of his friends.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Satrangee Parachute Reviews
The storyline may be interesting and hold potential as a drama about a bunch of kids trying to blow up a terrorist plot. But its delineation is so serious, so tedious and so unfunny, it makes us adults fidgety. Can't imagine what it would do to an audi full of restless kids!
Despite all this, boredom is the feeling that will remain with you throughout the film. Satrangee Parachute will not give you your dose of entertainment this weekend.
On the whole, Satrangee Parachute is a dull show all the way and will go largely unnoticed.