• The performances are perfunctory and the characters do not touch you emotionally. You don’t connect with them at all. With moderate production quality, the found footage technique is acceptable. While the conclusion of the film isn’t original by any stretch of the imagination, for a film of this genre, this twist is intriguing and elevates the end on an allegorical note.

  • The plot, written by Tim Herlihy and Timothy Dowling, is clumsily structured. It is perfunctory, weak and mediocre with sexist gags and childish buffoonery. The story lacks logic, motivation and conviction. The characters too, are cardboard thin and unbearably annoying.

  • The plot meanders aimlessly with frivolous loud scenes and the direction often seems staged as there is no chemistry between the characters. Watch this if you have nothing better to do.

  • Mounted on an epic scale with visuals in neon blue and golden hued frames with cool CCI images incorporated, the film is glossy and mind-boggling. Director Alan Taylor’s pace of the narration is racy and he is technically savvy to deliver a well-synchronised action film, on par with the last four editions.

  • Considering this to be a children’s film, the plot is a bit complex and a torture to keep track of. The humour too is not focussed; it oscillates from catering to the adults and children.

    Ultimately, with the chaotic excitement of the adventure, the little life’s lessons for the kids are lost in the narration. Nevertheless, kids will enjoy the film.

  • With less of action between the protagonists and more of discerning analysis of the emotion, “love”, the script only surfs through the subject. Romance, “an adventurous risk”, is tackled theoretically and thus, loses its focus occasionally. Also, the climax ends on a weak note, hence the film does not create or leave an impact on the viewers.

  • Visually, the film is stunning with visual effects and computer generated images, but again it shares the same palette of all its previous editions. The only exception here being, set in winter; the action on frozen ice adds drama and freshness to the otherwise staid output.

  • With overall good production values, cinematography and action, which includes an unexpected car chase, “Horrible Bosses 2″, with a potential for a truly dark comedy is, in turn just an ordinarily, good-natured comedy sans the bosses. It clearly lacks the zing.

  • Mockingjay – Part 1″ lacks the zing of an adventure film. During its entire run time, it just concentrates on creating a setting for the next part. Overall, the film is well-made and drab. It is not in the least entertaining or satisfying. Yet it lures you to look forward to the concluding edition

  • To watch `Battle of the Damned` is like rotting in hell with zombies, killer robots, obtuse-damned survivors and an overdose of innate absurdity that is prevalent in the film. Overall “Battle of the Damned” can be strictly avoided, as it seems like a long drawn trailer of a hackneyed zombie film with no flesh!

Viewing item 131 to 140 (of 151 items)