Troy Ribeiro
Top Rated Films
Troy Ribeiro's Film Reviews
Presented through an undercover policeman’s point of view, it is a convoluted crime saga designed in a Godfather-style father-son crime drama with a whole sub-set of assassin characters who have their own storylines and sequences.
With an overdose of the serious and the silly, the plot manages to sustain the pace and intensity commendably. Overall, with nearly 25 characters to track, fleeting between time zones, space and technically brilliant visuals, concentrating on the film becomes a tedious affair.
Visually, Director Craig Gillespie looks at India through the Hollywood prism, representing it as an uncanny bizarre country packed with weird living conditions with locals who unwittingly admit that “Here in India, we do things a little differently”, making it look like a poor country cousin of “Slumdog Millionaire”.
Though the film is visually appealing and picturesque, the highlight of “Rio 2” is the beautifully choreographed soccer game in which Blu finds himself at the receiving end
“Sabotage” with large chunks of gore does not stimulate your mood as a thriller.
Here the plot with the heist drama is outdated and unappealing. Moreover, loaded with cinematic liberties, the entire experience seems a farce.
Overall, the film offers loads of mild chuckles and fails to knock viewers off their feet.
The film tries to ape several different genres: a family drama, a love story and an action spy thriller. However, many of these aspects fail to come together into something concrete. Unfortunately, the plot is so cliched that it quickly becomes a bore.
After half an hour of watching the film, you feel the film rambles and gradually it becomes monotonous and wearisome. The dialogues are too feeble and laboured. What’s more? The characters have inconsistent accents which make the entire involvement far-fetched.
‘Vampire Academy’ has its moments even though it has very little to offer in terms of wittiness, craftiness, shrewdness or novelty that one would expect in a vampire film. But it is sure to satisfy only the fans of the original source material.
Despite brilliant performances, panache and style, this “RoboCop” lacks the momentum of a racy action that today’s audience are expecting.