Alif Reviews and Ratings

Marketed as a ‘festival’ film, Alif has many good points, along with a strong story, which shows how an orthodox approach to education, in this case in Islam, can ruin lives; both young and old. However, execution and performances fail this film from rising above being anything more than a film with a ‘message’. The actors are shrill and over the top in their performances barring Danish, who plays it so understated that his emotions barely come through. Neelima is the only saving grace, as she brings a certain warmth and humanity to this bleak landscape.
Alif has a strong message that loses its impact in a half baked script and poor execution.
While the director Zaigham in spite of his pious effort and meaningful message fails to uplift the film into a significant chapter that invites debate and have its cinematic stay due to its laziness in nuances and novelty in presentation restricting it to juts a serial on the subject getting played on the big screen.
For all its faults Alif must be seen for its strong message on the importance of formal education for every child ,even if it means offending some who would rather have the young imprisoned in ignorance. Light, says the film, is life.For this message alone Alif deserves a round of applause.
Alif is proof, if any were needed, that good intentions need good writing, good direction and good production quality to be translated into a good film. This is an important story. It just needs to be told in a better film.