Bhoot Returns

Movie Info
Bhoot Returns is a 2012 Bollywood 3D horror film directed by Ram Gopal Varma and written by Ravi Shankar. The film was released on 12th October, 2012, with mixed to negative reviews.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Bhoot Returns Reviews
Bhoot Returns is no Paranormal Activity, although it does borrow at least three key moments from that popular horror franchise. Its not entirely a waste of time either, because Varma does deliver a few good scares. Im going with two out of five for Bhoot Returns. Its the kind of film that the phrase time-pass entertainment was invented to describe.
Watch Bhoot Returns if you are a fan of horror flicks, the 3D experience will do justice to your money.
On the whole, BHOOT RETURNS is amongst RGV's weakest films!
We did leave with one horrifying thought though - of this Bhoot returning (in a third instalment).
Bhoot Returns fails to scare anyone, except poor Alayana who is said to have freaked out on seeing her performance. And why would you not as she is the saving grace of this ‘horror’ film. Bhoot Returns doesn’t bring anything new horror genre and definitely no novel concept. It most certainly isn’t anything which would send chills down your spine, as it supposedly intends to.