Brick Mansions Reviews and Ratings

The thing is, you are likely to be disappointed, say critics. The film is bad, Paul Walker is good. And we will miss him.
Brick Mansions never slows down enough to let you enjoy the brilliance of David Belle’s liquid movements and never speeds up the story to keep you from yawning.
Paul Walker’s last completed film (Fast and Furious 7 is in the pipeline) before his untimely death, Brick Mansions has a considerably silly plot co-written by Luc Besson. There is no intensity or conviction in the proceedings and the acting is also amateurish at times barring Paul Walker. All the sentimentality in the world not withstanding, Brick Mansions is a darn silly film.
This is an action movie with loads of stunts, explosions, fights and parkour. You can even think of it as Paul Walker‘s final finished work. Don’t think too much, the movie is all about taking your brain and leaving it at home. At the end of the day, you will see fists flying and people falling. Not Luc Besson‘s finest work, but it is passable, considering the other options. So sit back, and enjoy a remake.
Brick Mansions is a regular buddy action movie that only stands out for some amazing (really jaw-dropping) parkour and also because this is one of the last movies Paul Walker starred in. So even though the movie is rather silly, at the end when that dedication “in loving memory of Paul Walker” comes up, you remember all the escapist entertainment Walker with his laidback beach boy good looks gave us and doff a cap in his memory. It also makes the movie more significant than it needs to be.
If watching people jump across walls and buildings gives you a boner, then go ahead and spend your money on this D-grade action flick canvassing as something better. Else you’d be better off playing Frogger or renting the original French version. This should definitely not be chalked up on Walker’s legacy.