Child 44 Reviews and Ratings

Tom Hardy has clearly carved a niche for himself as an actor with versatility as his middle name. Right from his breakthrough performance in Inception to Mad Max: Fury Road and now this, if you do decide to watch this film, it will be to check out the kind of realism that Hardy brings to his character.
What should have been a taut thriller ends up with just about every ingredient going wrong. It is almost as if they took random passages from the book and decided to shoot them. The actors just go through the motions you have to admire Tom Hardy for putting in that effort although that accent could vie for one of the worst of all time.
If you’re a fan of Tom Hardy or enjoy watching crime thriller then you might like this movie. Child 44 also gives us a grim picture of a cold and dreary Stalin-era Soviet Union of the 50s. Something which you shouldn’t miss.