Home Reviews and Ratings

It is goofy, fun and has its heart in the right place. Home is meant squarely for kids, but that doesn’t mean that accompanying adults will also not find this multi-coloured tale of the importance of friendship and familial bonds, heartwarming.
An endearing family entertainer…If you’re looking for a good, clean, simple yet entertaining fare to take your family or your kids to, this is it. More than once? Well, that depends on you, no?
Even though it is a formula based predictable film, Home has its moments. An action set piece on the Eiffel tower is remarkably well executed and on the animation front, the color changing Boov’s add more flavour to the visuals. The Boov way of speaking English is a reminiscent of Yoda’s and perhaps it is done to target the adult audiences.
On the whole, Home will make you feel at home at the cinemas.
Once a year we get an animated film that comes out of nowhere, takes us completely by surprise and goes away without causing much of a ruckus. This year the Dreamworks Animation’s ‘Home’ takes that slot. Overall this is a cute little film that’s short and sweet, built specifically for kids. Adults may skip it, but they’ll score brownie points if they get their kids tickets.
A simple story on friendship and family…Jim Parson’s effort is commendable in the film, along with the visually pleasing animation. Take your kids along for this one.
There’s plenty of visual spectacle, cute Boov patois, and positive messages about friendship and courage. Director Tim Johnson surprisingly manages to create family-friendly entertainment within the alien invasion genre. However, the film stops short of mapping out really new territory, and also suffers from being too predictable.