• Rohan Naahar
    Rohan Naahar
    Hindustan Times


    There’s a reason this film isn’t called Cobie Smulders: Never Go Back. It needs to be stripped of all this pretense, and it needs to embrace what it really is: A film that would have been sentenced to an eternity on the 3-for-2 aisle of the local DVD store had Tom Cruise’s face not been on those jingoistic, Trump state posters.

  • Suraj Prasad
    Suraj Prasad
    Deccan Chronicle


    The movie suffers similar moments of forced conversations and it all seems like a twisted plot with predictable characters and obvious deductions simply to arrive at the climax where two grown-up professionals have a show down.

  • …does not offer anything new. It’s a slow paced film that fails to give the adrenaline rush that is expected from a Tom Cruise starrer.

  • The movie feels underdeveloped, the jokes aren’t laugh worthy or clever for that matter and the treatment doesn’t have a consistent tone or temper to make the experience thrilling. Not quite the Cruise comfort we were looking for I say!

  • IANS


    Technically, with good production values, the film is well-mounted and would appeal to Tom Cruise’s fans, as it desperately attempts to replicate a franchise.