Jayanta Bhai Ki Luv Story

Movie Info
Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story is a Bollywood crime romance film directed by Vinnil Markan, and produced by Kumar Taurani under Tips Music Films. The film is a remake of South Korean Film My Gangster Lover (2010).Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Jayanta Bhai Ki Luv Story Reviews
The plot that takes two interminable hours to unfold features aimless 'bhais' doing 'filmi bhaigiri' ('tu mera right hand kaise banega, ja pehle usko udaa kar aa'), smarmy would-be employers preying upon innocent young girls, and a lead pair who think eating 'anda bhurji' in rundown Irani cafes is the height of excitement.
The problem with JKLS is that it ties not only the audience but also the actors of the film in a tight knot of which neither the plot nor performances, except Oberoi's, help to break out of.
The screenplay is average and it waits a while to take-off. And we wish it had a bit more 'Ram Leela' (read: drama in bhai lingo), but overall it entertains.
A slim story with incorrigible humor just goes on to prove our parents right; we must stay away from bad company – the likes of Jayantabhai! *Poppes a Disprin*
...has enjoyable moments, but they are limited to the first hour!