• HolaKaBuré
    4 reviews

    In this movie, you can see anything that you want in a movie. Acting, direction, camera all over, Perfect Combination.

    August 08, 20
  • Tejas Nair
    Tejas Nair
    258 reviews
    Top Reviewer

    Despite the hardcore and jumpscare violence, the so-so portrayal of mental illness and its consequences when it goes untreated, the eerie score played on repeat, great dialogues 90% of which are polished as punchlines, the brilliant backstory of the DC universe, and a charming performance (of a life time) by Joaquin Phoenix, Joker was an underwhelming crime drama for me. TN.

    October 09, 19
  • Shashwat Sisodia
    Shashwat Sisodia
    300 reviews
    Top Reviewer

    'Joker' masterfully comes off as a supernatural arch nemesis account- a thing so needfuk for a villain so layered like him. And Jaoquin Phoenix is just even better than Heath Rodger.
    But the film is deeply inconsistent. Apart from some terrific terrifying moments, the film amplifies too little to be an amazing saga. The bumps throughout cover the script. It is easily very problematic, and there is little attention to how the barrier between the audience and the screens shall become porous. But you still need to watch 'Joker' because its approach is fresh. You, for one, keep no expectations and you'll find it a perfect film. But keep away if you have coulrophobia. It'll depress you. And that's the least to also say that it is a regressive disturbance in the name of a film. I am going with 2.5 stsrs out of 5 for 'Joker'.

    October 07, 19
  • Himanshu pandey
    Himanshu pandey
    22 reviews
    Senior Reviewer

    ’I hope my death makes more sense/cents than my life’’-this line beautifully depicts the distrubing tale associated with the state of mind of the central character in the movie ‘Joker’.

    What pops up in our mind as we hear the word ‘Joker’? Certainly a face adorned with palette of colors, an infectious smile in sync with expressive eyes and above all, the effort to make everyone happy. But, what if that sparkling face has a gloomy tale of desolation deep inside it. Joker, a Batman adversary in the DC universe is exactly the exposition of that pensive sadness. This state of pensive sadness spread by gripping and unsettling narration is all over the place in this origin story of a comedian turning to JOKER to only end up being a criminal in the fictional Gotham city.

    Joker, on the screen has come a long way. He has been the clown, gangster, anarchist and the psychopath.Heath ledger’s anarchist comes close to being a perfect portrayal of this dillusional and powerful character. He certainly left an indelible mark in portraying this iconic character. But to take it to another level, Joaquin Phoenix in and as JOKER has played this flawed character to the T.
    Arthur fleck (played by brilliant Joaquín Phenoix) is a clown cum struggling stand up comedian lives with her ailing old age mother.He is on medication and fighting with depression.He is a broken soul and far from the world of happiness. He is also struggling with a neurological disease in which he often gets uncontrollably involuntary laughs which is referred to as pseudobobular effect. This often makes him in situations where he gets dehumanized (from his perspective) by other people in the society. In one of those instances,on that fateful day, his all emotions gets out in the form of killing and this Arthur becomes the Gotham’s joker. Joaquín pheonix as Arthur fleck and Joker is a treat to watch. He is so powerful that you could not keep your eyes off him even for a second.His eyes and facial expression says it all.sporting body with all ribs at display shows the hard work he did to get into the skin of the character.Joker also features Robert de Niro as TV host but he is all eclipsed by the pheonix’s pheonix.

    ‘Joker’is set in the 80s and the Gotham city is shown going through some financial crisis and we see the city is littered with dirt everywhere because sanitation workers are on strike. The cinematography is brilliant and even being an Indian movie viewer, i was convinced that it is indeed 80s. Background score is also to the point and gives us an immersive experience of what the character is going through at the moment. Well, after all these strong points, there comes the only achille’s heal for me, the absence of a strong antagonist. A story turns into a life when two different shades of characters gets pitted against each other as we could see in all batman movies, but here the Joker being the antagonist and protagonist at the same time though symbolically did justice to the narration but fell short of some so called entertainment quotient.

    In all, this JOKER will be remembered for Pheonix’s frightening act as well as for the gloomy and disturbing portrayal of this powerful character.
    As this joker asks, is it just me or is it getting crazier out there? To which i seem to have only this reply to him..Yes, This is Crazy and we are going nuts..

    October 04, 19