• Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    Seventh Son is one of those films that have a wafer thin story and shouldn’t have been made in the first place. Even though it costs fair bit of money to make them, Hollywood is going through a phase of overkill as far as these fantasy adventure movies are concerned. It is time to give those CGI dragons and beasts bit of a rest.

  • If you’re looking for a good swords and sandals epic with mystical creatures, you’ll have to look elsewhere because this one is a turkey.

  • While the director has put all his energies in creating a thematic goal with his technical and artistic approach, he has not paid attention to the lethargically crafted script delivered by screenwriters Charles Leavitt and Steven Knight. Though they have adapted the screenplay from a story by Matt Greenberg, based on the book ‘The Spook’s Apprentice’ by Joseph Delaney, there are plot holes that make the narration a generic fantasy fare.

  • Aubrey D'souza
    Aubrey D'souza


    Seventh Son has some really nice special effects. Shot in picturesque locales, you are invited to a world of fantasy. It makes for a refreshing change because you get to see good triumph over evil. Jeff Bridges does his bit, but he ain’t the Dude in this one. All in all, a weekend watch.

  • To be fair, it’s apparent that the most effort has gone into the visual effects and the battles, which are the two redeeming factors about this film.