XXX: Return of Xander Cage

Movie Info
Daredevil government operative Xander Cage, thought to be long dead, comes out of self-imposed exile to race villain Xiang to recover a powerful weapon known as "Pandora's Box".Wikipedia
Starring Cast
XXX: Return of Xander Cage Reviews
It is a film borne out of extensive market surveys: in its dismissal of the ideas of nationhood and politics. XXX’s latest instalment seems to revitalise the old, seemingly lazy, but sinister excuse: “Relax, it’s just a movie!”
One does not simply walk in to a Vin Diesel movie expecting compelling storytelling and thoughtful cinema, and although 'xXx’ exists in an alternate reality where the laws of physics simply don’t apply, there are enough crowd-pleasing moments to distract you from a predictable plot and departure from logic. That said, the movie has enough star power to perform well enough, particularly in Asian markets, to ensure yet another insane outing soon.
Watch this one for Deepika and Vin if you're fans of the two. The action parts are fine and in good measure. It's a film that's supremely confident of what it is. And that shows. And if you're looking to be entertained, you will be. Just don't tax your brain with the way this film plays out. Trust me, you'll get a headache.
You have other options in the theatres this weekend; treat yourself to those instead of this. Pity Deepika Padukone couldn't make her Hollywood debut with a more less-forgettable film.
A thoroughly enjoyable film! It’s a film high on action and stunts. If not for anything else, watch it for Deepika Padukone!
All said and done. XXX : RETURN OF XANDER CAGE may be a celebrated escapism of international standards for the thinking audience but for fans of Deepika and Vin it has enough pleasing moments of pop corn action fun that boosts Deepika's commercial reach as an international star that can kick some butts in the action genre.
‘Return of Xander Cage’, as the name suggests, returns to stunt-CGI-action to provide it’s adrenaline rush. This is basically Diesel’s show and he is well aided by the stunt choreography, CGI action and editing speed. But don’t go by looks. There’s not much energy in the telling here and the confused narrative totally sidelines logic
If you are an action junkie and like gun fights, people fighting and everything crashing, you would not want to miss this one. Watch it for Deepika, not because it's her debut and she needs the support but because she has kicked some serious ass in the movie. Specially, watch it for the gun fight where Ruby Rose and Deepika back each other.
As pitches for conquering world markets and disgruntled domestic audiences go, Return of Xander Cage does one better than Gibbons’s glib and always successful sales talk.
Audience Reviews for XXX: Return of Xander Cage
'Return of Xander Cage', as the name suggests, returns to
stunt-CGI-action to provide it's adrenaline rush. This is basically
Diesel's show and he is well aided by the stunt choreography, CGI
action and editing speed. But don't go by looks. There's not much
energy in the telling here and the confused narrative totally sidelines
logic. The narrative is segmented and even the action is cut and joined
together in a million places. So there's no smooth progressive
transition happening in the action set-pieces. It is a film borne out
of extensive market surveys: in its dismissal of the ideas of
nationhood and politics. Very Sad that Deepika Padukone couldn't make
an outstanding Hollywood Debut.
My Rating 2.5/52March 26, 17