• “Youngistaan” simplifies things to a large extent, and never seems to be able to decide whether it is a romance or a political thriller. As a result, it ends up being neither. Neha Sharma comes across as whiny and petulant like her character is expected to be, but Bhagnani demonstrates a semblance of screen presence in some scenes.

    If you want to watch a real political thriller, then rent a DVD of “House of Cards“. This one is just pretending.

  • The film seems topical and could have cut across audiences given the current election scenario but lacks the gravitas of a political drama, which particularly associates itself with the highest seat of power. While there are a million problems that a country faces, the acting PM’s problem in the film is only dealing with an immature girlfriend who yearns to have matka kulfi at 4 am! And while she loves him enough to accompany him from Japan and even bear his child, for some reason, she’s reluctant to marry him, thereby inviting ire of a conservative public.

  • Komal Nahta
    Komal Nahta
    Komal Nahta's Blog


    …does not have the soul-stirring quality so necessary in a film of this kind. Although the last couple of reels are fairly nice, the implausibility of the drama makes it rather unpalatable for the audience. It will, therefore, fail to make its mark.

  • JPN


    Without an iota of doubt, the movie is quite fresh and new. The director has a firm believe on his concept and has received good success in maintaining the interest of the viewers till the end.