Top Rated Films
Andre Borges's Film Reviews
…the film already dominating the award shows and getting rave reviews from festivals is a must-watch towering above an already existing pool of must watch movies.
Bottom line, The Wolf of Wall Street is an obnoxious and voyeuristic film, but it is definitely brilliantly entertaining and one of the best films to come out in a long while.
Although the running time is a little on the long side (161 minutes), the film entertains throughout. But the most alluring part and definitely the best scenes in the movie are those with Smaug, the dragon.
…the movie works because all the elements blend together well. In a fantasy film, the best thing that can happen is not to lose track of the plot in the midst of overwhelming action sequences and over the top effects. And The Hunger Games – Catching Fire, does just that, it stays true to the story. Those who’ve read the books will not be disappointed, and those who haven’t will be pleasantly entertained just the same.