The Wolf of Wall Street

Movie Info
The Wolf of Wall Street is an upcoming biographical black comedy film directed by Martin Scorsese, based on Jordan Belfort's memoir of the same name. The movie is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
The Wolf of Wall Street Reviews
8 consistently engaging, but is it meant to celebrate this reckless pursuit of wealth, or serve as a cautionary tale against it? That's for each one of us to decide. To give credit to Scorsese, he's made a film that works on more than one level, and a film that inspires debate. In their fifth collaboration, Scorsese and DiCaprio once again do their best work together.
...sitting through 179 minutes of predictable, blasé and brash anecdotes becomes tedious. Yet, when the end comes, it is abrupt. Can you believe that? Di Caprio is as usual good, though he has to scream his lungs out and stoop to gross deeds...when all is said and done Horace Walpole’s “in small proportions we just beauty see, in short measures life may perfect be” stands out loud and clear.
The Wolf of Wall Street isn't about Belfort the stock manipulator who cheated poor people of hard-earned savings. It isn't really about Wall Street either. It is about the culture that allows one to breed the other, and vice-versa.
Though it does not measure up to GoodFellas (1990) or Casino (1995), the two previous Scorsese masterworks with which it shares thematic similarities, The Wolf of Wall Street still makes for compelling viewing.
If The Wolf of Wall Street were a person, I probably wouldn’t turn around to give them a second look. It is rather shocking and extremely heartbreaking to see this coming from a director I admire so much. It looks good and it sounds good too -- The Wolf of Wall Street can really please the senses, it seems. Just remember to forget your humanity for a while.
9 of the most amusing and appalling films around. Martin Scorsese paints a compelling portrait of Wall Street, that metaphor for American ability and greed, sending your head spinning with its ferocity. Leonardo DiCaprio stands foreground, delivering fresh-faced-with-wicked-eyes with the kick of a cocktail.
Watch it for the deadly Scorsese-Leonardo combination that creates magic each time these two team up. The Wolf of Wall Street is a good three hours spent at the theatre.
Bottom line, The Wolf of Wall Street is an obnoxious and voyeuristic film, but it is definitely brilliantly entertaining and one of the best films to come out in a long while.
Leonardo DiCaprio keeps the energy levels high and delivers one of the best performances of his career. He makes Jorgan Belfort as shameless and arrogant as Scorsese must have imagined. And you can make out that Martin Scorsese has had too much fun making this unapologetic film. It's the start of 2014 and what a start it is! Go and watch this wild ride!
8 of the best films in recent times, don’t miss it.
Every scene is long, indulgent and excessive but so energetic, euphoric and shocking you can’t take your eyes off it. It’s definitely not something you should see with your parents. But it’s definitely something you need to see to know that entitled assholes like Belfort get away with minor jail time while others are branded criminals and rot in prison for far lesser offenses.
If you're appalled by the vacuousness and superficiality of Belfort's world, then perhaps you're seeing the ambiguities that one would expect of a Scorcese film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to figure out whether we're imagining them or if they're actually there.
The Indian audience would be disappointed with some abrupt edits and jump cuts. These cuts were imposed by the censors. Overall, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, like DiCaprio`s previous film, ‘The Great Gatsby’ is an over-egged pudding that`s worth a watch.
What is truly remarkable about the movie is that inspite of being a movie which is full of drugs, cocaine and wild parties, it manages to save itself from the glorification of such a life. But then, that is just the job half-done. The other half includes turning the film back to the audience to make them really think whether it was really worth to live a life like this? Does it have some value? The audience would have gotten their own answers only if The Wolf of Wall Street would have managed to to do that.
It’s a zeitgeist film, of course, given all that has happened on Wall Street and the rest of the world in recent times, but it’s also a study of addiction, to money, drugs, sex and the kind of outré hedonism that now seems outright obscene. The movie doesn’t have a single totemic image that captures the obscene wealth and privilege on display—there is no Antilla, no Scarface cocaine bath. Rather, the parade of outrageousness continues from the beginning to the end, dominated by DiCaprio’s smarmy visage that suggests a Gatsby gone irredeemably rogue and transformed into a coked-out raging bull.
Audience Reviews for The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street. Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, whenever they are together, you know you shall be ready for a cinematic treat and The Wolf is no exception.
Playing a morally wrong character, Leonardo DiCaprio displays best of his acting skills. His performance in each and every scene is so animated and delicious that you may like to rewind some of the scenes just to enjoy them again and again. Martin Scorsese like a master of his game never let the intensity go down. Supporting actors like Jonah Hill and special appearance from Matthew McConaughey are icing on the cake. Screenplay is full of surprises and dialogues are sharp.
Like Goodfellas, The Wolf is seen from the eyes of the wrong side and keeping everything authentic and comic works big time for this movie.
I am going with fantastic 8 out of 10 for The Wolf of Wall Street. It is one hell of an entertainment for three hours.2November 09, 14 -
If you want to learn directing, watch this movie. If you want to learn acting, watch this movie. If you want to learn how to pace a 3 hour long movie perfectly, watch this movie. If you want to ever do a biopic, watch this movie. If you want to learn how to use side characters as a piece for the whole yet have their own identity, watch this movie. If you want to learn how to show the effects of drugs in a simple, effective yet innovative manner, watch this movie. Enough, now go ahead and watch this movie!!
But I have to say, I am disappointed with the editing. It was fairly rough and jarring.
And to end: an ode to Matthew for a brilliant scene!4January 04, 14