The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Movie Info
We’ve always known that Spider-Man’s most important battle has been within himself: the struggle between the ordinary obligations of Peter Parker and the extraordinary responsibilities of Spider-Man. But in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker finds that a greater conflict lies ahead.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Reviews
This is that rare love story disguised as a big-budget superhero film.
The new Spider-Man film gets everything wrong except the girl.For now we can go home, turn up the real Spider-Man 2 and watch Peter Parker try to deliver pizza.
It’s hard to keep the amazing coming, but somehow, Marc Webb manages it yet again, two years after The Amazing Spider-Man and not so many years later that people have forgotten Tobey Maguire doing those same tricks with more or less the same material. The primary reason is Andrew Garfield, who brings good looks and innocent charm, goofy spunk and enough heart, as well as dollops of romance, to give us a Spider-Man more close to our times, when being nerdy is not nearly as bad.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 works in fits and starts. I recommend that you watch it for its gorgeous leads but have patience - it’s long and in places, not entirely amazing.
If the plot has you confused, the number of climaxes will make you swoon. There are three of them. Somewhere in the middle, you want to call a time out and ask them to stop. They end with a promise of a sequel, though. Long live, Spider-Man.
‘The Amazing Spiderman 2’s major undoing is the overstuffing of characters, sub-plots and back-stories. It’s got not one but three prominent villains, besides several more negative characters. It brings together a bunch of characters spread over the comic series and if you aren’t familiar with the comics, then the story will seem like a confused cocktail.
The action sequences are breathtaking and despite the running time, the film doesn't drag. Garfield and Stone, in the scenes where they are together, have a palpable chemistry. This Spider-Man serves up both pathos and power.
The film is a well written, true to the comics, adaptation of one of one of Marvel's on the ground soldiers. Fans of the first movie, and superhero movies in general should definitely go for this one
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a superhero film yet also brings out a unique a love story! This time there is just as much love as the high-octane superhero action. The onscreen chemistry between Anrdrew Garfield and the gorgeous Emma Stone is delightful.
The last time most Spiderman loyalists weren’t quite pleased with Webb’s work. But this time Webb has done his best at upping his standard by adding a dash of heightened drama along with a sufficient dosage of light hearted decadent enjoyment to savor. For plusses, Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield quite do the magic but don’t miss the electricity that keep the spark afresh all through. I am going with a 3/5 and recommend that you go armed well from the candybar.
Simply put, this Spider-Man has little to offer that truly amazes you.
Barring Emma Stone, the performances don’t have much to gloat about. Till CGI takes over Jamie Foxx he makes his presence felt later he just becomes one angry Django.When Spiderman’s girlfriend is far more exciting than him, you know something is not going right. I guess superheroes also need a break. A long one maybe.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is much better than the first movie. But then we need to get into semantics, because the first movie was absolutely awful and unwatchable. This one is bigger, more colorful and more action packed, but those three things are never enough to make a film amazing.
It doesn’t matter how shallow the take on the life and times of Spiderman this time might be. The audience is given a huge dose of visual effects to lull the senses into a feeling of an impending storm.They will love it.Although the final impression is that of a super-hero who lost his relevance.Better luck next time.
What we have in the end is not an amazing Spiderman, but a mildly engaging, intermittently interesting and ultimately disappointing Spiderman.
The action sequences are breathtaking and despite the running time, the film doesn't drag. Garfield and Stone, in the scenes where they are together, have a palpable chemistry. This Spider-Man serves up both pathos and power.
Audience Reviews for The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I always find Andrew Garfield (smart, witty and funny) and Emma Stone (beautiful, smart and charming) better replacement to Tobey Maguire (a bit dull) and Kirsten Dunst (nagging and crying). These two make whole and soul of Mark Webb's version of Spider-man engaging and more enjoyable. Whenever you see these two leads sharing scorching chemistry, the screen just lights up. This movie uses the advance technological geniuses in Spider-man's flight scenes and action scenes and awesome 3D adds icing to the cake. Dane DeHaan as Green Goblin or Harry Osborn gives a chilling performance and he will be the one to watch out for in next movie in the series. But this amazing experience does not end on a high note. Last 20 minutes into the movie and you are given as many as three climaxes to absorb. Jamie Foxx playing Electro is not given right finish. Rhino makes a very late entry. I am going with fantastic 8 out of 10 for The Amazing Spider-man 2. Despite its over stretched climax, this one makes a terrific superhero movie experience because of its casting and enjoyable characters.
2May 06, 14