• The third installment  of the 1920 series brings to you a lot of unexpected twists. Sharman’s acting in the movie makes up for a lot of bad things. The music and the location actually do make you believe it is London in the 20s and of course, the debut of the third Chopra sister in the Bollywood industry shouldn’t be missed!

  • Watch this movie to find out how things turn out for this couple and how society feels and reacts to relationships of such young runaways. Nagraj Manjule has created a complete cinematic experience for his viewers. This film also marks the debut of Akash Thosar and Rinku Rajguru, who have done complete justice to their roles.

  • …the movie does teach a lesson, which is that monsters come in many forms. Goodman delivers a brilliant performance, playing his good guy/bad guy part perfectly. While the story revolves around the character of Winstead, it is Stambler who steals the show, mainly due to his impulsive characterization and shifty intentions. Even with minimal set and visual effects, the movie captures a lot more than most other films of the same genre.

  • Although the storyline is decent, it could have been told much better, giving us more insight into his struggles in London. The film fails to leave a lasting impression. Dev Patel tries hard but isn’t convincing enough as Ramanujan. We do not get the opportunity to feel for him, when he’s been beaten up or when he’s diagnosed with advanced tuberculosis, yet persists in writing his proofs. Jeremy Irons outshines Dev Patel, with his genuineness.

  • Although, the film barely has anything new to offer and the plot is somewhere lost as the film transitions from one scene to another, the performances of the lead actors seem to make up for it. Another highlight of the film is undoubtedly its music, which help in facilitating an emotional immersion.

  • Despite its well-portrayed rustic setting, the film fails to intensify with its plot. The simplistic story is not gripping enough, although it does offer a heart-warming climax.

  • Watch it if you found Bhatt’s previous films entertaining. He has only gone another level up with his style with Love Games.

  • The newly approached narrative definitely makes the story more interesting than the original. However, the lack of direction subdues the impact the movie could have had on non-Divergent fans. For those who liked the book, the movie is an equally good watch.

  • The film has made a good attempt to make a mark as a fast-paced suspense film that keeps the audience fixated but its dissonant plot is leaves you wanting more. The praiseworthy acting by the star cast coupled with the high intensity action scenes make the film a fun one-time watch.

  • Apart from being different from other war films, Eye In The Sky is an illustration of world issues and warfare backed by performances that are top notch! Plus, it is Alan Rickman‘s last screen appearance, and one worthy of that mark.

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