Top Rated Films
Bryan Durham's Film Reviews
Despite its most obvious flaws, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 entertains. Kids will love Baby Groot as will the adults. Fans will have a field day gawking at everyone from Howard Duck to the Watchers. And need we mention Stan Lee, too? It’s a Marvel film, after all! Strap on your seatbelts and go along for the ride.
There’s little to hold your interest in between. You know the reason for Dom’s ‘betrayal’ fairly soon. You don’t know why he shares a kiss with Cipher. You wonder how easy it is to bury a hatchet when fighting a common enemy. And how long you can hold a grudge. Building up a sequel is fairly easy.
Watch this one for ScarJo. It’s not much of an effort to sit through. And what’s more, it is an incredibly good looking film. But it could have been so much better.
Get past the blah, the bluster, the babble and the banter and you’ll have something to get an eyeful of. It’s not always pretty, but it gets the job done. One-time watch.
Obvious flaws in the story aside, it’s an entertaining spectacle that sees you rise, fall, float and fly with every note in this musical. It’s engaging, beautiful and idyllic. Purists might have their reservations, but one has to say this is a thing of rare beauty!
The rebooted King Kong has the right cast, the right effects people, but quite possibly, the wrong script. It brings the film crashing down with a thud that’s as loud as every hit that Kong lands. It’s entertaining, but only if you don’t go in expecting Oscar-worthy performances from this celebrated cast. It is the film’s soundtrack and its spectacular effects that save it.
Watch it, for sure. It offers hope for the X-Men franchise yet. The future, despite the bleak one painted by this one, is one you’re not going to forget in a hurry. A superhero film that entertains and makes you think? Rare breed, I’d say.
It doesn’t exactly make you roar in applause, but it does leave you with a lump in your throat at some points during the film. Sunny Pawar is a revelation. Watch this one for him.
.Running time and obvious flaws notwithstanding, you’re in for a fun time. Everything is good, but everything is not awesome.
As a monster flick of epic proportions, it is dwarfed by its own ambition, never quite reaching full potential, but is entertaining nevertheless. A one-time watch.