• Once a year we get an animated film that comes out of nowhere, takes us completely by surprise and goes away without causing much of a ruckus. This year the Dreamworks Animation’s ‘Home’ takes that slot. Overall this is a cute little film that’s short and sweet, built specifically for kids. Adults may skip it, but they’ll score brownie points if they get their kids tickets.

  • What really matters are the stunts and action, and they deliver by the truckloads. Whether it is driving a car through Middle Eastern skyscrapers, or pounding a truck through forested hills of Azerbaijan, or squirming a convertible through the bylanes of an American metropolis, it’s a dollop of entertainment.

  • Most of the film is crowd pleasing to the core, and when the talent on display is so effortless in entertaining you, it’s hard to walk away from the film with any negative emotion. It’s the first feel-good movie of the year, and that’s always a good thing.

  • It is simple pleasures and fun visuals that kids want, and this film delivers by the truckloads. – See more at: http://www.mid-day.com/articles/cinderella—movie-review/16079160#sthash.IfO68jI1.dpuf

  • ‘Chappie’ asks some pretty solid questions, while delivering the action spectacle as well. If you enjoy action-packed, crazy cinema with a dash of brains, you can do a lot worse than ‘Chappie’.

  • When there isn’t anything else in the way of the plot, the only thing we can bank on is the characters, and the filmmaker makes them fairly interesting, and more importantly, makes us root for them.

  • The film is ridiculous, funny and a wild ride, and it’s really hard not to be swept away by its infectious energy.

  • This is a film made by a true artiste about a true artist. And in many ways, it’s better than ‘Big Eyes’, the other art-based film of the year, and is certainly deserving of more Oscar nominations than it actually scored.

  • You’ll leave the theater wowed by the acting, yet unimpressed by the film.

  • If superb performances, a winning script, and beautiful visuals are your thing, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t see this film in theatres.

Viewing item 71 to 80 (of 136 items)