Inside Out

Movie Info
Inside Out is a film set in the head of a young girl, Riley Anderson, where five emotions—Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear and Sadness—try to lead the girl through her life. Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Inside Out Reviews
In the pantheon of great Pixar films, Inside Out, the studio's latest, ranks right up there alongside its best with the Toy Story movies, Wall-E, and Up. It's also easily the most audacious...While there is no question at all that you will laugh out loud several times, be prepared to tear up occasionally. Don't say I didn't tell you – adults will likely enjoy this film much more than kids.
It is a life lesson, for eleven year-olds-going –on-twelve. And for the rest of us, at whatever age we may be at.
There has quite frankly never been anything like it before, and it is an essential film for lovers of the movies, children, parents and inner-children everywhere. It is insightful, intoxicating and incredible, and when I was done with it, scrubbed and sobbed and sated, I felt I’d been scribbled on by Pixar crayons.
As Joy and Sadness' buddy chemistry grows, the film forces us to face us with one essential fact - sometimes we need to embrace blue. Probably a lesson you don't expect from a Pixar film or in a multiplex but a little bit of soul searching never hurt anybody.
Inside Out isn’t just about the laughs, however. Just as Joy and Sadness travel together through Riley’s mind, these emotions will affect you in equal measure when watching the film. You may be reminded of your own childhood, or Riley’s predicament or the home truths at the end of the film may touch you, and compel you to shed a tear or two. At other times, you’ll be laughing aloud at the shenanigans of Joy, Sadness and Bing Bong. As a heartwarming tale that lets you slip inside the very complex space that is a child’s mind, Inside Out is a gem indeed.
This is a heart-warming funny film that may well be a bit abstract for children, but would definitely appeal to the rest.
Dressed up in colourful and wildly imaginative garb - yet making sense every step of the way - Inside Out can be enjoyed by a variety of age groups and is both nuanced and sensitive without sacrificing the fun angle.
You feel it all with Riley - joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust - and become part of that journey. Parents and teachers have so much to learn from and educate with, through this film. The very fact that it doesn't try to sugarcoat childlike enthusiasm with dumbed down characters, says a lot.
...the makers manage to paint an excellent juxtaposition between the mundane human world and the complexity of the human mind. On the outside, the film presents a very drab setting to Riley's San Francisco life, an uncharacteristic setting of the normally captivating Pixar. The mind, however, is a vibrant world that is an excellent blend of organic, mechanical, industrial and fantasy.
Pixars latest film has an idea which is as original as it can get. Much like the other films by Docter, this is also about relationships and human psychology, in this case, a child’s. But that itself could teach adults a thing or two about how we look at children and also ourselves. It is not often that a film can influence the way you think but to its remarkable credibility, Inside Out manages to do that.
Cleverly, the film's central plot involves an incident that pretty much everyone has to go through once in life, so it becomes very easy to relate to the movie and moisten a few hankies watching it, remembering your own version of the incident. Going with the message of the film, it also makes you realize no matter how manly you claim to be, it's okay to shed a tear or two when a movie is powerful enough to bring out your most emotional childhood memory. The whole thing is inventive, eye popping and an emotional roller coaster ride from start to end. Go see it, preferably in 2D.
What's most refreshing about "Inside Out" is its inversion of the standard prescriptions of big-budget animation: It's ultimately about the importance of embracing sadness. This, you may have noticed, isn't exactly the conventional moral one generally finds at the multiplex.
Inside Out is the perfect film to enjoy with your family. It has something that can appeal to both children and adults. Stunning animation, coupled with an innovative plot, makes this film a must-watch for everyone.
There is such a thing as learning too much and too soon when it comes to picking movies for your children. There is no reason for most children under the age of 13 to sit through serious lessons on moral conscience, psychology and neurology.In our opinion, Docter ought to be more like the parents in his movies: always meaning well but overbearing when required.
I could go into a lot more detail about how the film breezes through the inside view of so many little events of our day-to-day lives, but it is something you should experience rather than read.Yes, go ahead and witness this coming of age of feelings.
Perhaps, we must leave the science to psychologists and cognitive scientists, but Inside Out nevertheless succeeds in flagging the issue of mental health in a remarkable manner. As we walk out of the theatre, it is hard not to think of our minds as being controlled by tiny human beings. It may not make sense, but it is beautiful.
Audience Reviews for Inside Out
Reviewing Inside Out!
What will happen if EMOTIONS will have EMOTIONS?
Inside Out is not just an animated cartoon feature film, it’s a life lesson for all of us.
The movie teaches us the way of living a life through the help of movie characters (which in fact are EMOTIONS inside our head!). It tells us an entertaining story so we can self evaluate us in difficult or unimaginable situations. It tells to stay Joyful in any situation, it tells us that sometimes Sadness is also essential but not more; just a tiny winy of it! It tells us not to make such decisions that will ruin our future!
The movie revolves around FIVE characters (Emotions) such as Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness are living inside the area called Headquarters in a mind-area of a 13 year old girl named Riley. Based on their own discussions and actions, these emotions are controlling the actual actions of Riley. It is shown beautifully that each living person or animal is having the same kind of emotions in their own head. And each moment one of those emotions is having a control over persons’ behavior. The screenplay then takes a turn and the two of Riley’s emotions, Joy and Sadness goes missing in an area called Long Term memories which is located away from main Headquarter location. Then the story takes us on typical out-of-imagination journey of “Pixar Animated Marvel” and movie ends with Joy and Sadness returning to Headquarters area safe and sound.
Pixar always tries to stretch our imaginations upto Horizon and beyond, with touching viewer’s emotions and this time they have hit hard! Viewers will relate with the dialogues between 5 emotions in Riley’s head with the situations they have experienced. It can give us strength to choose the right over wrong. The screenplay and dialogues are as good as any of the Pixar film. The story is so good, that we may feel that it should have more duration than it actual duration!
It’s a must watch for “Pixar Lovers”!
P.S. :- Viewers this time will have lovely Pixar surprise as the musical short animated film named LAVA is attached before the actual movie. So all the people going in theaters, do reach on time and enjoy the short film Lava and feature film Inside Out both in one ticket!
2July 17, 15 -
The movie tells us something important which we ignore...i.e. Sadness. Yes, being sad is also important to live and to move on in life. I would recommend everybody to watch this classic movie.
2February 16, 16