• Fury is unflinching in its depiction of war from the get-go to the point of being unsettling. As unrelenting as the iron tracks of a tank crushing everything in its path, it is indeed a juggernaut of action – tank against tank and tank against artillery. It is also surprisingly sophisticated in terms of the drama and interplay between all of the characters. Largely devoid of jingoism, not since Saving Private Ryan has there been a World War II film that looks so convincingly ‘real’.

  • …this is essentially Evans’s vehicle. His version of Dracula is action-oriented rather than horrifying and creepy. And keeping that in mind, he manages, in most parts, to get his teeth into the substance of Count Dracula’s legend convincingly enough.

  • Delightful but somewhat un-memorable, the energy of the film lies in the push-pull conflict between the two protagonists handled deftly by Radcliffe and Kazan – the whole question of love that cannot be…and hoping against all odds that it can.

  • The Judge is a great example of meticulously-crafted character portrayals and a film that carefully builds up each of the main characters over the course of its duration.

  • The basic premise of the film could have made for an engaging and far-out watch. The very concept of the Rapture could have been depicted with power and mystery, but instead the opposite is achieved in a film that just looks slapdash.

  • Annabelle alights on most horror tropes but comes across as a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Still, it will give you your money’s worth, while not really serving you anything too memorable (or scary) as some of the other, more sinister horror films we’ve seen in the last few years.

  • David Fincher and screenwriter Gillian Flynn (on whose novel the movie is based) have hit the bulls-eye.

  • While the plot is simple enough, this is, in essence, a pretty candid and contemporary take on young love, with its many colourful details.colourful details.

  • … the movie is classic Liam Neeson and like any good thriller, keeps you guessing till the end.

  • Featuring a few beautiful scenes that will probably warm the heart of the most hardened cynic, Dolphin Tale 2 makes for some wholesome family fare.

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