A Walk Among the Tombstones

Movie Info
Former NYPD cop and private investigator Matthew Scudder (Neeson) is hired by a drug dealer (Dan Stevens) to find his kidnapped wife in New York City.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
A Walk Among the Tombstones Reviews
What can you say about a film that so swears about its cerebralism as to discuss sickle cell anaemia at some length, and then picturises a disturbing sequence of a 14-year-old being admired by two sexual predators against an astonishingly and unironically sunny number?
... the movie is classic Liam Neeson and like any good thriller, keeps you guessing till the end.
A better script, and things could get really interesting. Till then, you could decide to take a walk through some of the better films in Neeson's filmography..
A predictable movie without any thrill. This movie is a must watch if you are a die-hard Liam Neeson fan. A Walk Among the Tombstones will be notable for its dark atmosphere and strong performance by Liam Neeson.