Annabelle: Creation

Movie Info
Years after the death of his beloved daughter, a doll-maker and his wife provide shelter for a group of orphan children and a nun who are targeted by the doll-maker's possessed creation, Annabelle.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Annabelle: Creation Reviews
It’s not bad, it’s just same old, same old.
While Annabelle: Creation is by no means a perfect film, and nor is Sandberg the best director currently working in the genre – he doesn’t, for instance, have the sixth sense of a M Night Shyamalan or Fede Alvarez (Don’t Breathe, represent) – he has made a film that’s a vast improvement over its pr ... { more
Having watched the previous films will help, but the movie is a legitimate standalone chiller. If there were a Horror For Dummies guidebook, Annabelle: Creation would make for a good chapter in it.
If you’re a sucker for horror movies and follow the Conjuring series from the first part, then this movie is for you. Do not expect anything extraordinary – watch the film, get scared and come back.
One can’t help but feel that Sandberg did this film as a favor to do the DC Shazam movie. In any case he’s one of the most exciting new filmmakers out there but any studio that works with him needs to give him better writers to back his vision and passion. The only interesting aspect of this film i ... { more
On the production front, director Sandberg along with production designer Jennifer Spence make great use of the eerily vast layout of the Mullins' farmhouse just as director Wan did with the haunted home at the centre of "The Conjuring". But it is clustered - Annabelle's room, the barn, the well in ... { more
Annabelle: Creation is a welcome addition to the cinematic universe created by James Wan (director of The Conjuring and Annabelle), not to be missed by horror movie buffs. This horror universe is not far behind the Marvel and DC CUs, complete with origin stories, recurring characters and call backs ... { more