Beyond All Boundaries

Movie Info
The film tells the stories of 3 Indians - a penniless superfan, a boy prodigy, and a girl cricketer during the 2011 Cricket World Cup.
Starring Cast
Beyond All Boundaries Reviews
It's worth a watch, simply for how much heart the protagonists have put into playing their roles, and for the beautiful way in which it brings out social contrasts in India.
It doesn’t really matter if you are a cricket fan or not, as Jain’s story connects with you at a human level. The documentary is aptly paced, and makes you care for its three protagonists. After premiering at film festivals all around the world, Beyond All Boundaries: Cricket has finally come to India. And this is where it rightfully belongs. Go watch it for the never-say-quit attitude that defines Indians, and to relive the euphoria that followed the World Cup 2011.
The exposition is slow. The film begins with a clichéd explanation of why “cricket is religion” and how it is “primarily a contest between bowler and batsman”. Inane commentary peppers even the best of cricket matches on TV, but that doesn’t take away from the excitement. Similarly, this film overcomes its clichés and stays relevant primarily as a human drama.
Watch this, if only to be reminded how one man's passion is every other man's lunacy.
Overall, with editor Soham Mehta's smooth transitions and effective background score by Daniel Walter and Christopher Carmichael, this well-etched documentary is entertaining, but lacks historical value or essence.