Captain Phillips

Movie Info
Captain Phillips is a 2013 American pseudo-biographical action thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass and starring Tom Hanks. The film is a biopic of merchant mariner Captain Richard Phillips, who was taken hostage by Somali Pirates during the Maersk Alabama hijacking in 2009.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Captain Phillips Reviews
It's brutal, edge-of-the-seat filmmaking that you cannot afford to miss.
Captain Phillips isn’t easy entertainment but it is a film that will force you to think. It’s also a visceral experience that shouldn’t be missed. I’m going with four stars.
Allowing the action plot to take over quickly, the director ratchets up the tension from the moment the four machine guns wielding pirates board the unarmed commercial vessel. The showdown culminates in a scene performed with such vulnerability by Tom Hanks that the two-time Academy Award winner will likely snag another Oscar nomination.
Captain Phillips makes for an interesting watch – if you can survive the constant hammering of the background score. Just fast enough to keep you gripped, Captain Phillips is good entertainment that, thankfully, has its brain intact.
The film does occasionally seem like a battle of good vs evil and might vs mettle. As much as it is about Phillips' ordeal, it is also a battle in which the well-equipped American Navy SEALs take on four skinny Somali men stuck in a lifeboat. It's a sight that inspires as much awe as amusement.
With Captain Phillips, Paul Greengrass has added yet another gem to his already impressive repertoire. Tom Hanks in the lead role is nothing short of brilliant. The final scene where he breaks down is itself worthy of an Oscar.It is films like these that restore your faith in main stream Hollywood, don't miss it.
It’s crafted with such precision in terms of acting, editing and direction, and it takes the audience on a breathtaking ride. Just don’t forget that Captain Phillips may look realistic, but it’s mostly fiction.
Captain Phillips begins in a routine way and concludes in a Best Actor Oscar bid, but the opening and climax bookend an often heart-stopping battle of wills between a ship cargo crew and four daredevil pirates.