Chala Mussaddi… Office Office Reviews and Ratings

Mussaddi Lal is saying things we all need to hear, but the film manages to make the cut only some of the time.
The drama has already gained immense popularity through the long-running television series Office Office and Mussaddi Lal’s archetypal common man has become a familiar figure in popular culture. In the celluloid version, Pankaj Kapoor once again proves what a fine actor he is as he carries forth the relentless struggle of the aam Indian against India’s endemic bribe culture and official apathy.
There are several poignant questions asked by Mussadi throughout the film – questioning the unprofessionalism that is omnipresent in the corridors of government offices and buildings, but ultimately its overdose almost overshadows the genuine efforts of the actors in executing their characters.
The writing is entirely episodic, like a TV show. Scenarios recur. Actors ham it up. Loud background score informs every scene. You care for our man Mussaddi. Or at least wish to. He takes rounds of various ‘daftars’ (offices), literally living a farce. Democracy is probably both the problem, and its only plausible solution.
This film is best avoided.
Chala Mussaddi doesn’t take us anywhere we haven’t been before. Worse, it makes awfully rough weather of getting wherever it is headed. Avoid this trip if you value your time and money.
A super performance by Pankaj Kapur aside — he’s brilliant as usual — there’s not much going for Chala Mussaddi. You’d rather stay home and watch reruns.
On the whole, Chala Mussaddi Office Office is a dull fare and will not be able to repeat its television success. In fact, it will find the going at the box-office tough.
On the whole, CHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE releases at a time when corruption and bribery are piping hot topics, but the impact it ought to make is missing. Those who recall the tele-serial fondly may reconnect with the on-screen characters, but how one wishes the drama was as impactful. Bluntly put, the tele-serial was much, much better than the film!
CHALA MUSSADDI OFFICE OFFICE is an effective satire that takes on the menace of corruption. Don’t miss it.
What starts as a brilliant satire ends up in a moralistic jargon. The film is stretched unnecessarily and brilliant star cast doesn’t help in saving the film.