Despicable Me 2 Reviews and Ratings

There’s nothing wildly original here in terms of set ups or plot points, but Carell and Wiig have a winning chemistry, and the Minions – like the penguins in the ‘Madagascar’ movies, and Scrat in the ‘Ice Age’ films – steal the film from right under the nose of its protagonists.
Despicable Me 2 may not be as clever or as good a story as the its predecessor, but it’s just so darn cute that you’ll spend all 98 minutes (plus intermission) grinning delightedly.
Despicable Me 2 is heartwarmingly entertaining just like its prequel, if not better. More than anything else, the story has a heart. With the world getting cynical by the day, the film provides that much needed sense of goodness.
Unlike other sequels which try to make the franchise into a money making enterprise, this one actually has a damn good story to tell.