• Packed with not-too-bad 3D effects – arrows whizzing out of the screen, dangerous creatures lunging at you – and unapologetically embracing its B-movie ambitions, Hercules is watchable and occasionally good fun too. Just don’t go in with Gladiator-level expectations.

  • Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    Hercules would be little more than a series of wars and body pile-ups strung together — even if Ratner does manage to surprise once in a while.

  • Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Jyoti Sharma Bawa
    Hindustan Times


    Fans of sword-and-sandal films are bound to like this one as well. Just leave your thinking caps at home.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    Dwayne Johnson may not be the most talented actor around but since he is sincere, there is something likable about him. With his presence Hercules is tolerable, else it would have been a disaster.

  • The film is directed by Brett Ratner, who continues his onslaught upon the audience that he started with the Rush Hour sequels, X-Men 3 and Tower Heist. If you thought those films were bad, you have seen nothing yet. To make this all the more unpleasant, it’s in 3D.

  • Aubrey D'souza
    Aubrey D'souza


    Hercules is a good film compared to the other one that was inflicted on us. Dwayne Johnson does his part.