How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Movie Info
As Hiccup fulfills his dream of creating a peaceful dragon utopia, Toothless’ discovery of an untamed, elusive mate draws the Night Fury away. When danger mounts at home and Hiccup’s reign as village chief is tested, both dragon and rider must make impossible decisions to save their kind.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Reviews
The story of Hiccup and his Night Fury called Toothless seems stretched and contrived, full of noisy battles, and stuffed with just too many fire-breathing giants.
As it stands, The Hidden World is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. It’s likely, however, that in times of need in the future, Dreamworks might reboot the series for an entirely new generation of fans, forcing us to confront the bittersweet nature of franchise filmmaking. Like Hiccup, we will be forced to make difficult decisions - about moving on, yet never forgetting the past.
With two strong entries prior to it, ‘The Hidden World’ could have easily suffered from the ‘trilogy curse’ by botching up its finale. Fortunately, that’s not the case. From the first few frames, it becomes evident that DreamWorks Animation has pushed the envelope with graphics that are astounding.
The subtleties of How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World sneak up on you and hold you captive. Just go with the film’s irresistible flow. There’s magic in it.
The eye-pleasing look of the Light Fury, the mating dance sequence between Toothless and his new love, the flickering flames, the resplendent panoramic and scenic views from the skies are all rendered with an unerring artfulness that is simply splendid to behold. Forget the ennui borne from a repetitive and familiar plotting. This one has the power to give flight to your imagination!
A little tightening of these screws would have made the film a truly classic series closer, for now it’s merely a fun one.
Overall, while the story is a bit of a disappointment, you'd be blown away by the film's technical brilliance.