Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Reviews and Ratings

While not a complete waste of time, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit could have used a solid script and some more patient direction before waltzing into a theatre near you. It does its best to sound intelligent by bringing geopolitical battle lines into the picture, it lacks the intensity to be categorised as espionage cinema
For avid fans of espionage thrillers, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is modestly watchable. For the rest, wait for something different.
While it is not an edge of the seat thriller, for most parts it keeps you interested. The plot is predictable and there are no surprises in store here.
On the whole, it is a watchable action thriller.
There is action. There is drama. The right amount of speed. And Keira Knightley. Boys, what else do you need for a perfect weekend movie plan. Ladies, don’t be disappointed. There’s Chris Pine to keep you engaged. Also a tribute to late author, Tom Clancy.