• Politically incorrect dialogues aside, Kick-Ass 2 is actually quite a fun ride. Beneath the deliberately ridiculous costumes and mock-serious dialogues lies a sea of brutality and gore gleefully topped off with the kind of language that would make a sailor blush.

  • The problem with the sequel is that it banks on the very same things to sell itself. More of the same is passable fun, but not satisfying enough to people who loved the first film and look forward to an expanded universe in the sequel. Given the ‘Kick-Ass”s relatively tiny profit it was a miracle that the sequel got made, and in a way the filmmakers wasted a golden opportunity to create something truly great.

  • Neha Pinto
    Neha Pinto


    Most sequels are cursed, they can almost never be at par with the original masterpiece. The same holds true for Kick-Ass 2. However, the film isn’t as disappointing as most sequels turn out to be.