• Based on the myth that a cat has nine lives, this film makes a flawed attempt, to make you realise that you’re not a cat who’s blessed enough to have nine lives but a mere human with one life to reconcile all that you’ve done wrong and to live it happily with your loved ones.

    You might want to watch this film only and only if you’re a die-hard cat person.

  • Shalini Langer
    Shalini Langer
    Indian Express


    It is a desperate attempt at making the audience laugh.

  • Rashid Irani
    Rashid Irani
    Hindustan Times


    Despite the collaboration between celebrated cinematographer (Raising Arizona)-turned-director Barry Sonnenfeld (the Men In Black trilogy) and two Academy Award-winning actors (Spacey and Walken,) Nine Lives fails to ignite even the smallest of comedic sparks.

  • Anuj Malhotra
    Anuj Malhotra
    Deccan Chronicle


    A crisis of tone permeates much of Nine Lives: it recognises itself as a children’s film and yet, most of it is immensely morose.

  • The CGI is blotchy, visual effects are terribly unconvincing, the humor is potty and the gimmickry is knotty- so there’s really very little relief for adults and maybe just a smidgen of pet antics that might interest children.

  • The movie is essentially about a crazy cat man who turns people he deems “bad” into cats to teach them a moral lesson of some sort. And if they don’t learn their lesson in time, well, their human bodies die and they’re stuck as cats forever. Dark.