Norm of the North

Movie Info
The movie tells the story of the titular polar bear and his three Arctic lemming buddies, who are forced out into the world once their icy home begins melting and breaking apart. Landing in New York, Norm begins life anew as a performing corporate mascot, only to discover that his new employers are directly responsible for the destruction of his polar home.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Norm of the North Reviews
Norm of the North is a testament to how cheap CGI animation has become and the ability to get good quality animation at a low budget.
...just when things are getting to get cute, Norm has to inexplicably break out in to the 'Arctic Dance'. The only redeeming factors here are the underwater scenes and the part when Norm visits a sushi parlor. Let's hope that the sequel - if there is one - has better to offer.
Even the kids won't sit through this one. The film has far too few good gags to even merit one sit-through of this film. Do yourself a favour and... well, you know what to do.
You just don't get the point of this movie even if there's enough adventure to satisfy the kids. This effort rests largely on marketability and doesn't appear to have any answers to the moral questions embedded in the run-of-play. The animation design is not exactly eye-pleasing and even the back-drops don't have the cinematic finish of far more accomplished animation films we've seen afore. As a result there's very little excitement to draw up here.
"Norm of the North" is just a cuddly bear that fails to entertain you beyond a point.
In this age of animated films that could swoon you off your feet, Norm of the North is leaves a lot to be desired in the animation department. Though the dancing and twerking Polar Bear and a trio of cute lemmings farting and tinkling in an aquarium is funny, animated movies need more and Norm of the north just doesn’t do justice to this more.
Everything about this movie is pedestrian: the plot, the animation, the jokes, the action.