Once Upon A Time In Bihar

Movie Info
This story is based on real incidents set in the year 2003 - 2004 in the ravenous terrains of Buxar District of Bihar. It revolves around Rajiv Kumar, an IAS aspirant; Sankar Pandey, a young, harassed graduate; Jeans, a dreamy, folk singer who believes his fate awaits him in Mumbai and the revolution led by political leaders in Mumbai against Bihari migrants. It displays the struggle of the three protagonists' and how the atrocities of their lives force them to act against their true beliefs and values. A movie that is set out to change your ideas about the system and will leave you retrospecting about any action of yours; political or social.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Once Upon A Time In Bihar Reviews
The inability to expand the basic idea into a solid story lets this otherwise well-intentioned film down.
...a naive film which fails to leave any sort of impact.
Though the film flounders in the over-dramatic pauses in the plot it manages to hold its precarious narrative in place almost all the way.
The script, written by directed by Nitin Chandra, is well-researched and mounted with passion and attempts to erase the “Bimaru” stigma (an acronym for – Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh), which denotes sick in Hindi. Padded with many misgivings about Bihar, the exposition is verbose which at times sounds too preachy for ones’ liking. Also not being singularly focused and with a few plot-holes, the story seems superficial, convoluted and manufactured. Overall, “Once Upon A Time In Bihar” will appeal only to Biharphiles.