Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai Reviews and Ratings

Yes, the film is over-wrought, melodramatic and designed as pulp fiction. But it’s intermittently fun.
Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai offers you both substance and soul, even as it dabbles with a slice of reality. Don’t miss it.
Watch it. It’s like watching a retro fashion show with some cool gun battles thrown in. Lots of rain, lots of crashing of the waves, moody lighting, and dialogues that echo Salmi-Javed at their purplest prose. Ahh. Mumbai when it was still Bombay.
Luthria rightly recreates retro from the ‘70s. And this is not just in the low angles of the shots; strange prints on expensive nylon shirts; or trumpets for a background score. It’s most importantly in the sense of the big screen occasion, and a throwback to smart, terse dialogue.
…a stylish, spirited, nostalgia with power packed performance; Miss it at your own risk.