• Kaushani Banerjee
    Kaushani Banerjee
    Deccan Chronicle


    For most parts, ‘Ouija’ feels like a cheap thrill .You are likely to see people dressed up for Halloween who are scarier than the ghosts and spirits on display in ‘Ouija’.

  • For a movie that is about the perils of summoning sinister specters, the film itself could have been scarier.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    Forget Ouija, read the newspapers instead. There are more horror stories in that these days.

  • “Ouija” may appeal to only those getting introduced to the horror genre. Otherwise, it is a disappointment considering it is a Halloween weekend release.

  • The scariest thing in this movie is the promise of a sequel, and the prospect of more such films to hit the screens.

  • Navin Noronha
    Navin Noronha


    Ouija uses a fresh concept, which hasn’t been seen a lot in the horror film genre. Unless you count the much better 1986 film, Witchboard. It packs a few scares and has a notable twist that makes it mildly interesting. But beyond that, it just falls apart.