• Pompeii is one of those rare films for which I am glad that a 3D format was used. If cheesy, overdone, masala flicks are your kind of fare, this is your kind of film. For the rest of us, Pompeii just blows.

  • Pompeii is grand and lavish in visuals but poor on content.

  • Sachin Chatte
    Sachin Chatte
    The Navhind Times


    You don’t go to a movie with a lot of expectations from the director of the Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil franchise. It helps because Pompeii is one of those run of mill films that involves slaves, kings, Romans, special effects and a natural disaster. The story is lackluster and to add to it, the performances are no great shakes either.

  • Pompeii is just like Anderson’s films of the past ten years – aggressively stupid, full of CGI and bland characters, with a script that is somehow neither interesting nor laughably bad. It’s something akin to Gladiator meeting a Roland Emmerich movie, with a dash of Anderson’s trademark lack of subtlety and inability to craft good action sequences.

  • Tanaya Ramyani
    Tanaya Ramyani


    From a die-hard situation to an utterly-butterly melodrama, Pompeii ended in most cheesiest way ever possible. The final scene where Milo and Cassia strikes a pose can put Disney movies to shame.